Yorkshire and Humber
Each region is represented on Community Pharmacy England by an elected Regional Representative. The Regional Representative is responsible for representing the views and interests of contractors and LPCs in the Region on Community Pharmacy England.
David Broome is the CPE Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Representative.
David Broome qualified from the University of Bath School of Pharmacy in 1990 and has been an independent contractor for nearly 30 years. He runs his pharmacy business with his wife, Jackie, and he is an active member and officer of Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire. David has a great passion for community pharmacy with keen interests including EPS, medicines safety and clinical pharmacy. He has been involved with the EPS implementation board, medicines safety exchange, area prescribing committee and local mental health trust medicines committee. David has been an LPC member since 2007 and was elected to Community Pharmacy England in August 2013.
LPCs in this CPE region are: